

Propably in a few weeks the Dyspnea/Unfit Earth - split LP will be available! I love the fact that this release is a collaboration of friends from all over Greece, the majority of the people involved have known each other for quite some years and shared a, more or less, common vision as to the amount of things we can achieve if we work together as a big punk family. Enstablishing a network of friends across Greece in order for local and touring bands to be able to play live, release their records and distribute them has been the most amazing experience I've had so far. Plus, the Dyspnea/Unfit Earth - split LP has been the smoothest-running release I've been part of! I guess there's not much to argue/get stressed about when everything is taken care of from people that love what they do and also have a sense of responsibility and understanding among them.
Anyway, you propably don't give a shit for all that so let's skip straight to the music. Check the links below to stream both sides of the split and get in touch for pre-orders (no money upfront!) and trade offers.

Dyspnea side 
Unfit Earth side