Special offers for poor punks! Check below and hit me up with your orders at scullcrasherdis@gmail.com
3 issues of Maximum Rock n'Roll magazine (#360, #361, #362) = 11 euros + shipping
1x Πανδημία - "Μοντέρνα Πανούκλα" LP + 1x Skunk/Warvictims - split EP + 1x No Exit 'zine #6 = 11 euros + shipping
1x Warcupid - s/t EP + 1x Nulla Osta / Zaprti Oddelek - Split EP + 1x random EP = 7 euros + shipping
(Please copy and paste one or more of the above offers in your order, no further discounts will be made if you include stuff not listed above but I'll do my best to
minimize the shipping charges.)
3 issues of Maximum Rock n'Roll magazine (#360, #361, #362) = 11 euros + shipping
1x Πανδημία - "Μοντέρνα Πανούκλα" LP + 1x Skunk/Warvictims - split EP + 1x No Exit 'zine #6 = 11 euros + shipping
1x Warcupid - s/t EP + 1x Nulla Osta / Zaprti Oddelek - Split EP + 1x random EP = 7 euros + shipping
(Please copy and paste one or more of the above offers in your order, no further discounts will be made if you include stuff not listed above but I'll do my best to
minimize the shipping charges.)